Friday, April 15, 2016

1.0 Savior Hero

Melisa, The Savior Archetype. 2014. Web 4/15/2016 <>
According to an extensive article written by Melisa, the most prevalent of all archetypes is the savior archetype.  Experts have also referred to the savior archetype as the Messianic archetype as it is modeled around the historical accounts of Jesus Christ.  The definitions and translations for this archetype are slightly different, but the core qualities that do not change are: death and resurrection, high morality, advocates justice, guided by his fathers spirit, healing powers, forgiveness, performs miraculous events, no spouse, and sacrifices themselves.  The savior figure is deeply woven into most all stories and makes appearances in literature at all points in history including pop culture today (Melisa). The only way to properly write an article about the savior hero is to give a brief explanation of the history it is based around.  Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary who was a peasant.  He worked as a carpenter until he was approximately thirty.  Jesus preached and traveled with a small company performed miracles, healed the sick and fed the hungry.  Jesus was homeless on earth. His friends abandoned and betrayed him.  Jesus was mocked and put through legal trials.  Jesus was tortured and nailed to a cross among criminals.  A spear was driven into his heart and many record a great earthquake on that day.  Jesus died and was placed in a tomb.  Jesus arose from the dead.  Because of these events man kind is saved from a spiritual death that comes from sin.  This is the most significant story in all of history, but too many are "plugged in" to the matrix of sin and turn into agents when they see a believer.  All it takes is a simple choice to be saved.  Some quotes from the Matrix that is based around this belief system come from Morpheus when he says "All I am offering is the truth, nothing more."  Our spiritual journey in life requires that we deny the blue pill "believing what we want to believe" and that we take the red pill and "see how deep the rabbit hole really goes."  

Below is a link to a YouTube video with the scene from The Matrix referred to.

Below are links to the "Red Pill"

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